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The early education programs are offered through our applicable Child Care Licenses.  We offer year-round care with extended hours for children ages 3 months and up.  Our program follows the Montessori approach to early childhood education and also offers foreign language immersion.


Our personalized curriculum integrates the Montessori methodology while adhering to all applicable state standards.  In the Montessori classroom, the environment is designed to provide child with autonomy to select among activities that have been carefully placed at their level and with a developmental goal in mind.  Children in the Montessori classroom also learn to participate in daily tasks such as setting up lunch and feeding the animals.  To learn more about the Montessori method, click here.

Our early education programs are designed to provide our students with a strong foundation to develop the life-long benefits that research associates with bilingualism. (Read about the research here.)  Depending on your child's placement, you may have the choice of Spanish, Mandarin, German, and French immersion and enrichment language options. 

Our Campus list with available programs can be found here

For more information about our early education programs and to enroll, see the information below. 

(Nido 计划)


Nido 计划中的儿童在日常生活中受到指导,尊重他们的独立性和自主性。所有教室空间的设计都旨在让孩子们在受控的环境中探索,由他们与生俱来的内在动机驱动,与世界互动。

Nido 计划旨在为处于学习第一语言关键时期的儿童提供全面的语言沉浸式体验。还提供其他语言接触选项,例如双语和丰富设置。

Nido 计划的课程包括 Casa 计划的各个部分,例如每周的文化主题和改编的每日跨学科充实课程。

(卡萨  程序)

Casa在西班牙语和意大利语中是“房子”的意思,是玛丽亚蒙特梭利为 2.5 至 6 岁儿童开设的传统蒙特梭利学前教室所起的名字。

Casa 计划的学生参与日常工作周期时间,该工作周期时间以自我导向活动和利用可用材料的动手协作参与为基础。

Casa 计划为学生提供三种外语接触选项:完全沉浸式学习、双语学习和强化学习。

此外,该项目的学生还参加日常跨学科充实课程,将 STEAM、艺术、音乐与运动、社会科学和文化周刊主题相结合。

参加 Casa 计划的学生从 4 岁起即可参加 IMS 小学计划。

Casa 计划还包括体验式户外自然课程,学生在一年中的每个季节每天参加有关当地生态系统的实践课程。



Facebook:Immersion Montessori School


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