Immersion Montessori School (IMS) offers language immersion programs for children ages 0 to 12, combining Montessori principles, cutting-edge educational research, and a focus on cultural immersion. Our offerings include Infant & Toddler care, Preschool & Pre-K, Elementary enrichment, and afterschool partnerships. We emphasize holistic development, global connections, and personalized learning paths informed by our Higher Education & Research team. Click below to explore programs in your region.
Linguistic and Cultural Immersion
Linguistic and cultural immersion offers a comprehensive educational approach by integrating language acquisition with cultural exploration in a rich, context-driven environment. Unlike traditional methods, immersion programs allow students to naturally develop language skills through daily, meaningful interactions, accelerating language proficiency while enhancing cognitive abilities, problem-solving, and creativity. By participating in culturally immersive activities like events and exchange programs, students gain a deep understanding of global perspectives, fostering empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity. Moreover, this approach is enriched by the presence of educators from various countries who bring their unique cultural insights into the classroom, providing students with an authentic and diverse learning experience. This holistic approach equips students with the linguistic and cultural competencies essential for thriving in our increasingly interconnected world, preparing them to become effective communicators and compassionate global citizens.
由 Laura Golnabi 博士领导的高等教育和研究团队 (HER) 走在将高等教育和研究融入早期教育的前沿。我们通过将先进的教学策略和严谨的研究方法直接引入我们的早期儿童计划来进行创新,确保我们最小的学习者能够从最新的教育进步中受益。我们的团队不仅开发和完善我们的课程,还一丝不苟地监控学生的进步,使用数据驱动的洞察力来个性化和增强学习体验。通过我们的教师培训计划,我们为教育工作者提供实施这些前沿方法所需的工具,弥合高等教育研究与实际课堂应用之间的差距。此外,我们通过论坛与家庭互动,将我们基于研究的实践扩展到家庭,创造一个有凝聚力和支持性的环境,从最早的阶段培养终身学习。通过这些举措,我们正在重新定义高等教育和研究在塑造早期教育未来中的作用。
蒙特梭利浸入式学校 (IMS) 是一个由来自世界各地的学校、专业人士和学生组成的充满活力的网络,致力于促进多样性、公平、包容和归属感 (DEIB)。我们的全球社区为员工和家庭提供了独特的机会,让他们可以旅行、接触不同的文化并获得宝贵的国际经验,从而丰富他们的视野。在 IMS,我们相信教育的变革力量可以弥合文化鸿沟、将人们团结在一起并激发积极的变化。通过全球交流和文化互动,我们培养了对多样性的深刻欣赏,促进了同理心、宽容和共同的人性。我们对 DEIB 的承诺体现在我们课程的方方面面,从我们的语言浸入式课程到我们的国际合作,创造了一个不仅教育而且赋予个人权力的学习环境,使他们成为互联世界中积极、富有同情心的参与者。在 IMS,我们致力于创建一个每个人都感到被重视、被尊重和被包容的社区,为更加公正和公平的未来铺平道路。